Note: This article has been published right after the Flare-On Challenge 3 has ended.
Official writeups can be found here: 2016 Flare-On Challenge solutions from
SmokeStack is the fifth level of the third edition of the Flare On Challenge organized by FireEye. I’ve decided to write a post about it because this is one of the two levels I’ve enjoyed the most (the other being CHIMERA).
I will be using the assembly I’ve annotated from the start take make things easier to understand. A little warning: this post is (really) verbose, as I’ve included the assembly code in its entirety.
Let’s get started!
The application expects the user to pass 10 characters as the first parameter.
; function starts at virtual address 0x00402F30
_main proc
; ...
; 0x00402F76
cmp [ebp+argc], 1
jle __exit
; 0x00402F80
mov eax, [ebp+argv]
mov ecx, [eax+4]
push ecx
call _strlen
jl __exit
; ...
_main endp
Each character is then extended to a 2-bytes value and copied to a global buffer. The code is sometimes pretty verbose, which is a clear indication that it was not compiled with optimizations flags.
; function starts at virtual address 0x00402F30
_main proc
; ...
; 0x00402F9C
mov [ebp+i], 0
jmp short __vm_stack_initialization_loop
; 0x00402FAE
cmp [ebp+i], 0Ah
jge short __start_vm_execution_loop
; 0x00402FB4
mov eax, [ebp+argv]
mov ecx, [eax+4]
mov edx, [ebp+i]
movsx ax, byte ptr [ecx+edx]
mov ecx, [ebp+i]
mov vm_stack[ecx*2], ax
jmp short __vm_stack_initialization_loop_condition
; 0x00402FA5
mov edx, [ebp+i]
add edx, 1
mov [ebp+i], edx
; ...
_main endp
Take a look at the cross references and notice how this is the only place where the program accesses this buffer directly, as the rest of the code will make use of the following two functions to access it:
; function starts at virtual address 0x00401000
VMStack_push proc value:word
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
mov ax, vm_stack_pointer
add ax, 1
mov vm_stack_pointer, ax
movzx ecx, vm_stack_pointer
mov dx, [ebp+value]
mov vm_stack[ecx*2], dx
pop ebp
VMStack_push endp
; function starts at virtual address 0x00401080
VMStack_pop proc
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push ecx
movzx eax, vm_stack_pointer
mov cx, vm_stack[eax*2]
mov [ebp+word], cx
mov dx, vm_stack_pointer
sub dx, 1
mov vm_stack_pointer, dx
mov ax, [ebp+word]
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
VMStack_pop endp
The counter grows when a value is saved, and decreases when a value is removed; it is pretty obvious that this is some kind of LIFO stack implementation.
Back to the entry point: the buffer has been populated with our string and the first initialization phase ends at virtual address 0x00402FCF. The next function we’re going to enter is located at virtual address 0x00401610 and will soak up most of the execution time - this is where we are going to focus our efforts.
The first part is not really interesting, as it’s just initialization of values and function pointers.
; function starts at address 0x00401610
VMMain proc
; initialization
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
call InitializeVMOpcodeHandlers
xor eax, eax
mov vm_register_A, ax
xor ecx, ecx
mov vm_register_B, cx
mov edx, 9
mov vm_stack_pointer, dx
xor eax, eax
mov vm_instruction_pointer, ax
; main loop
; 0x0040163D
movzx ecx, vm_instruction_pointer
movzx edx, vm_code_size
cmp ecx, edx
jge short __last_vm_instruction_reached
; 0x0040164F
call VMFetchAndExecuteNextOpcode
jmp short __vm_execution_loop
; 0x00401656
; the virtual machine exit code is taken from the first register
mov ax, vm_register_A
pop ebp
VMMain endp
; function starts at virtual address 0x00401570
InitializeVMOpcodeHandlers proc
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
mov vm_opcode_handlers, VMOpcodeHandler_push
mov vm_opcode_handlers+4, VMOpcodeHandler_pop
mov vm_opcode_handlers+8, VMOpcodeHandler_add
mov vm_opcode_handlers+0Ch, VMOpcodeHandler_sub
mov vm_opcode_handlers+10h, VMOpcodeHandler_RotateRight
mov vm_opcode_handlers+14h, VMOpcodeHandler_RotateLeft
mov vm_opcode_handlers+18h, VMOpcodeHandler_xor
mov vm_opcode_handlers+1Ch, VMOpcodeHandler_not
mov vm_opcode_handlers+20h, VMOpcodeHandler_eq
mov vm_opcode_handlers+24h, VMOpcodeHandler_sel
mov vm_opcode_handlers+28h, VMOpcodeHandler_jmp
mov vm_opcode_handlers+2Ch, VMOpcodeHandler_pushRegister
mov vm_opcode_handlers+30h, VMOpcodeHandler_mov
mov vm_opcode_handlers+34h, VMOpcodeHandler_nop
pop ebp
InitializeVMOpcodeHandlers endp
The second part of the routine will loop until a counter reaches the end, each time calling the following function:
; function starts at virtual address 0x00401540
VMFetchAndExecuteNextOpcode proc
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push ecx
movzx eax, vm_instruction_pointer
mov cx, ds:vm_instructions[eax*2]
mov [ebp+opcode], cx
movzx edx, [ebp+opcode]
mov eax, vm_opcode_handlers[edx*4]
call eax
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
VMFetchAndExecuteNextOpcode endp
Let’s get an overview of what is happening:
- The function pointer array is used in conjuction with indexes found in a statically allocated buffer that has been initialized at compile-time.
- A counter is incremented each time one of those function pointers is used.
- As we already noticed, all values are extended (or truncated) to 16-bit words.
We can now draw some conclusions:
- Each one of the indexes used to access the function pointer array is in fact an opcode.
- The counter that is incremented at each call is the instruction pointer. It is not incremented automatically because the opcode length is not always the same, as they may optionally require immediate values.
- You have probably already guessed it by now, but the global memory buffer is the virtual machine stack.
- The virtual machine is heavily stack-based, and operates on 2-bytes words.
And Now for Something Completely Different: a dump of the analyzed opcode handlers. I have put the sel opcode at the top of the list since it’s the most unusual one.
; this function pops three values, and uses one of them to decide
; which one of other two needs to be kept into the stack.
; function starts at virtual address 0x00401360
VMOpcodeHandler_sel proc
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 0Ch
call VMStack_pop
mov [ebp+first_word], ax
call VMStack_pop
mov [ebp+second_word], ax
call VMStack_pop
mov [ebp+third_word], ax
movzx eax, [ebp+third_word]
cmp eax, 1
jnz short loc_401399
movzx ecx, [ebp+first_word]
push ecx ; value
call VMStack_push
add esp, 4
jmp short loc_4013A6
movzx edx, [ebp+second_word]
push edx ; value
call VMStack_push
add esp, 4
mov ax, vm_instruction_pointer
add ax, 1
mov vm_instruction_pointer, ax
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
VMOpcodeHandler_sel endp
; function starts at virtual address 0x00401180
VMOpcodeHandler_RotateRight proc
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 0Ch
push esi
call VMStack_pop
mov [ebp+first_word], ax
call VMStack_pop
mov [ebp+second_word], ax
movzx eax, [ebp+second_word]
movzx ecx, [ebp+first_word]
sar eax, cl
movzx edx, [ebp+second_word]
movzx ecx, [ebp+first_word]
mov esi, 10h
sub esi, ecx
mov ecx, esi
shl edx, cl
or eax, edx
and eax, 0FFFFh
mov [ebp+result], ax
movzx edx, [ebp+result]
push edx ; value
call VMStack_push
add esp, 4
mov ax, vm_instruction_pointer
add ax, 1
mov vm_instruction_pointer, ax
pop esi
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
VMOpcodeHandler_RotateRight endp
; function starts at virtual address 0x004011F0
VMOpcodeHandler_RotateLeft proc
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 0Ch
push esi
call VMStack_pop
mov [ebp+first_word], ax
call VMStack_pop
mov [ebp+second_word], ax
movzx eax, [ebp+second_word]
movzx ecx, [ebp+first_word]
shl eax, cl
movzx edx, [ebp+second_word]
movzx ecx, [ebp+first_word]
mov esi, 10h
sub esi, ecx
mov ecx, esi
sar edx, cl
or eax, edx
and eax, 0FFFFh
mov [ebp+value], ax
movzx edx, [ebp+value]
push edx ; value
call VMStack_push
add esp, 4
mov ax, vm_instruction_pointer
add ax, 1
mov vm_instruction_pointer, ax
pop esi
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
VMOpcodeHandler_RotateLeft endp
; function starts at virtual address 0x00401030
VMOpcodeHandler_push proc
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push ecx
mov ax, vm_instruction_pointer
add ax, 1
mov vm_instruction_pointer, ax
movzx ecx, vm_instruction_pointer
mov dx, ds:vm_instructions[ecx*2]
mov [ebp+immediate], dx
movzx eax, [ebp+immediate]
push eax ; value
call VMStack_push
add esp, 4
mov cx, vm_instruction_pointer
add cx, 1
mov vm_instruction_pointer, cx
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
VMOpcodeHandler_push endp
; function starts at virtual address 0x004010C0
VMOpcodeHandler_pop proc
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
mov ax, vm_instruction_pointer
add ax, 1
mov vm_instruction_pointer, ax
call VMStack_pop
pop ebp
VMOpcodeHandler_pop endp
; function starts at virtual address 0x004010E0
VMOpcodeHandler_add proc
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 0Ch
call VMStack_pop
mov [ebp+first_word], ax
call VMStack_pop
mov [ebp+second_word], ax
movzx eax, [ebp+first_word]
movzx ecx, [ebp+second_word]
add eax, ecx
mov [ebp+result], ax
movzx edx, [ebp+result]
push edx ; value
call VMStack_push
add esp, 4
mov ax, vm_instruction_pointer
add ax, 1
mov vm_instruction_pointer, ax
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
VMOpcodeHandler_add endp
; function starts at virtual address 0x00401130
VMOpcodeHandler_sub proc
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 0Ch
call VMStack_pop
mov [ebp+first_word], ax
call VMStack_pop
mov [ebp+second_word], ax
movzx eax, [ebp+second_word]
movzx ecx, [ebp+first_word]
sub eax, ecx
mov [ebp+result], ax
movzx edx, [ebp+result]
push edx ; value
call VMStack_push
add esp, 4
mov ax, vm_instruction_pointer
add ax, 1
mov vm_instruction_pointer, ax
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
VMOpcodeHandler_sub endp
; function starts at virtual address 0x00401260
VMOpcodeHandler_xor proc
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 0Ch
call VMStack_pop
mov [ebp+first_word], ax
call VMStack_pop
mov [ebp+second_word], ax
movzx eax, [ebp+first_word]
movzx ecx, [ebp+second_word]
xor eax, ecx
mov [ebp+result], ax
movzx edx, [ebp+result]
push edx ; value
call VMStack_push
add esp, 4
mov ax, vm_instruction_pointer
add ax, 1
mov vm_instruction_pointer, ax
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
VMOpcodeHandler_xor endp
; function starts at virtual address 0x004012B0
VMOpcodeHandler_not proc
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 8
call VMStack_pop
mov [ebp+word], ax
movzx eax, [ebp+word]
not eax
and eax, 0FFFFh
mov [ebp+result], ax
movzx ecx, [ebp+result]
push ecx ; value
call VMStack_push
add esp, 4
mov dx, vm_instruction_pointer
add dx, 1
mov vm_instruction_pointer, dx
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
VMOpcodeHandler_not endp
; function starts at virtual address 0x00401300
VMOpcodeHandler_eq proc
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 0Ch
call VMStack_pop
mov [ebp+first_word], ax
call VMStack_pop
mov [ebp+second_word], ax
movzx eax, [ebp+first_word]
movzx ecx, [ebp+second_word]
cmp eax, ecx
jnz short loc_40132F
mov edx, 1
mov [ebp+result], dx
jmp short loc_401335
xor eax, eax
mov [ebp+result], ax
movzx ecx, [ebp+result]
push ecx ; value
call VMStack_push
add esp, 4
mov dx, vm_instruction_pointer
add dx, 1
mov vm_instruction_pointer, dx
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
VMOpcodeHandler_eq endp
; function starts at virtual address 0x004013C0
VMOpcodeHandler_jmp proc
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
call VMStack_pop
mov vm_instruction_pointer, ax
pop ebp
VMOpcodeHandler_jmp endp
; function starts at virtual address 0x004013D0
VMOpcodeHandler_pushRegister proc
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 0Ch
mov ax, vm_instruction_pointer
add ax, 1
mov vm_instruction_pointer, ax
movzx ecx, vm_instruction_pointer
mov dx, ds:vm_instructions[ecx*2]
mov [ebp+opcode_parameter], dx
movzx eax, [ebp+opcode_parameter]
mov [ebp+opcode_parameter_alias], eax
cmp [ebp+opcode_parameter_alias], 3
ja short __opcode_handler_end
mov ecx, [ebp+opcode_parameter_alias]
jmp ds:off_401464[ecx*4]
mov dx, vm_register_A
mov [ebp+word], dx
jmp short __opcode_handler_end
mov ax, vm_register_B
mov [ebp+word], ax
jmp short __opcode_handler_end
mov cx, vm_stack_pointer
mov [ebp+word], cx
jmp short __opcode_handler_end
mov dx, vm_instruction_pointer
mov [ebp+word], dx
movzx eax, [ebp+word]
push eax
call VMStack_push
add esp, 4
mov cx, vm_instruction_pointer
add cx, 1
mov vm_instruction_pointer, cx
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
VMOpcodeHandler_pushRegister endp
; function starts at virtual address 0x00401480
VMOpcodeHandler_mov proc
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 0Ch
mov ax, vm_instruction_pointer
add ax, 1
mov vm_instruction_pointer, ax
movzx ecx, vm_instruction_pointer
mov dx, ds:vm_instructions[ecx*2]
mov [ebp+vm_register_id], dx
call VMStack_pop
mov [ebp+value], ax
movzx eax, [ebp+vm_register_id]
mov [ebp+vm_register_id_copy], eax
cmp [ebp+vm_register_id_copy], 3
ja short __increment_instruction_pointer
mov ecx, [ebp+vm_register_id_copy]
jmp ds:off_401510[ecx*4]
mov dx, [ebp+value]
mov vm_register_A, dx
jmp short __increment_instruction_pointer
mov ax, [ebp+value]
mov vm_register_B, ax
jmp short __increment_instruction_pointer
mov cx, [ebp+value]
mov vm_stack_pointer, cx
jmp short __increment_instruction_pointer
mov dx, [ebp+value]
mov vm_instruction_pointer, dx
mov ax, vm_instruction_pointer
add ax, 1
mov vm_instruction_pointer, ax
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
VMOpcodeHandler_mov endp
; function starts at virtual address 0x00401520
VMOpcodeHandler_nop proc
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
mov ax, vm_instruction_pointer
add ax, 1
mov vm_instruction_pointer, ax
pop ebp
VMOpcodeHandler_nop endp
You should now have a good understanding of how each opcode works, but you can’t but agree with me when I say that debugging this is everything but comfortable. For this reason, I have chosen to dump the virtual machine code (see virtual address 0x0040A140) and write a simple disassembler.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
const std::vector<std::string> mnemonics =
"push", "pop", "add", "sub",
"trm1", "trm2", "xor", "not",
"eq", "sel", "jmp", "push",
"mov", "nop"
int main(int argc, char *argv[]);
const char *GetRegisterName(std::uint16_t register_id);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc != 2)
std::cout << "Usage:\n";
std::cout << "smokestack_disasm dump" << std::endl;
return 1;
std::vector<std::uint8_t> buffer;
std::fstream input_file;[1], std::ios_base::in |
if (!input_file)
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to open the input file");
input_file.seekg(0, std::ios_base::end);
if (!input_file)
throw std::runtime_error("Seek failed");
std::streamsize input_file_size = input_file.tellg();
if (!input_file)
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to get the file size");
if (!input_file)
throw std::runtime_error("Seek failed");
if (buffer.size() != input_file_size)
throw std::runtime_error("Memory allocation failed");<char *>(,
if (!input_file)
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to read the file");
catch (const std::exception &exception)
std::cout << exception.what() << std::endl;
return 1;
const std::uint8_t *ptr =;
while (ptr < + buffer.size())
std::uint32_t instruction_pointer = (ptr - / 2;
std::cout << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4)
<< instruction_pointer;
std::cout << "\t\t";
std::cout << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) <<
std::cout << "\t" << mnemonics[*ptr] << " ";
// opcodes that require immediate parameters needs to
// increment the instruction pointer twice
switch (*ptr)
// push <immediate>
case 0:
ptr += 2;
std::uint16_t value =
*reinterpret_cast<const std::uint16_t *>(ptr);
std::cout << "0x" << std::hex << std::setfill('0') <<
std::setw(4) << value;
// also show ascii encoding
if (value >= 0x20 && value <= 0x7D)
std::cout << " ; '" << static_cast<char>(value)
<< "'";
// push <register_id>
case 11:
ptr += 2;
std::uint16_t value =
*reinterpret_cast<const std::uint16_t *>(ptr);
std::cout << GetRegisterName(value);
// mov <register_id>, stack[sp]
case 12:
ptr += 2;
std::uint16_t value =
*reinterpret_cast<const std::uint16_t *>(ptr);
std::cout << GetRegisterName(value);
std::cout << ", ST(0)";
std::cout << std::endl;
// show an empty line after we have printed a jump instruction
if (*ptr == 10)
std::cout << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4)
<< instruction_pointer << std::endl;
ptr += 2;
return 0;
const char *GetRegisterName(std::uint16_t register_id)
switch (register_id)
case 0:
return "ax";
case 1:
return "bp";
case 2:
return "sp";
case 3:
return "ip";
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid register id");
The following is the full output of the disassembler, including my own comments.
0000 00 push 0x0021
0002 02 add ; \ adds 0x21 to the last character in the
0003 00 push 0x0091 ; / program argument
0005 08 eq
0006 00 push 0x0016
0008 00 push 0x000c ; \ this is what we should take. last char
000a 09 sel ; / is: 0x91 - 0x21 = 'p'
000b 0a jmp
000c 0b push ax ; \
000e 00 push 0x000c ; | ax is set to 0 during startup
0010 02 add ; | ax = ST(0) = 0 + 0x0c
0011 0c mov ax, ST(0) ; /
0013 00 push 0x001d ; \
0015 0a jmp ; / we're going to jump to address 0x001d
0016 0b push ax
0018 00 push 0x0063
001a 02 add
001b 0c mov ax, ST(0)
001d 00 push 0x0018 ; \
001f 06 xor ; | next character: 0x54 ^ 0x18 = 'L'
0020 00 push 0x0054 ; |
0022 08 eq ; /
0023 00 push 0x0033 ; \
0025 00 push 0x0029 ; | we're going to jump to 0x0029
0027 09 sel ; |
0028 0a jmp ; /
0029 0b push ax ; \
002b 00 push 0x002c ; | ax is still 0x0C; result is 0x38
002d 02 add ; | and is saved to ax again
002e 0c mov ax, ST(0) ; /
0030 00 push 0x003d ; \
0032 0a jmp ; / we're going to jump to 0x003d
0033 00 push 0x000e
0035 01 pop
0036 0b push ax
0038 00 push 0x0059
003a 02 add
003b 0c mov ax, ST(0)
003d 0b push ax ; } 0x38 is pushed again on stack
003f 00 push 0x0000 ; \
0041 0c mov bx, ST(0) ; / bx = 0x0000
0043 00 push 0x0009 ; \
0045 0c mov ax, ST(0) ; / ax = 0x0009
0047 0b push bx ; \
0049 00 push 0x0002 ; |
004b 02 add ; | bx += 0x0002
004c 0c mov bx, ST(0) ; /
004e 0b push ax ; \
0050 00 push 0x0001 ; |
0052 03 sub ; | ax -= 0x0001
0053 0c mov ax, ST(0) ; /
0055 0b push ax ; \
0057 00 push 0x0000 ; | condition: ax == 0x0000
0059 08 eq ; /
005a 00 push 0x0047 ; \
005c 00 push 0x0060 ; | false:resume the loop (0x0047).
005e 09 sel ; | true: leave the loop (0x0060). bx is set
005f 0a jmp ; / to (2 * 9)
0060 0c mov ax, ST(0) ; } dx = 0x005d + 0x0012 = 0x006f (char 'o')
0062 0b push bx ; } push 0x0012
0064 03 sub ; } 0x006f - 0x0012 = 0x005d
0065 00 push 0x005d ; \
0067 08 eq ; |
0068 00 push 0x007c ; | the condition must be true and we need
006a 00 push 0x006e ; | to jump to 0x006e
006c 09 sel ; |
006d 0a jmp ; /
006e 0b push ax ; } push 0x0038
0070 00 push 0x0007 ; \
0072 03 sub ; | ax = 0x0038 - 0x0007 = 0x0031
0073 0c mov ax, ST(0) ; /
0075 00 push 0x005b ; \
0077 0c mov bx, ST(0) ; / bx = 0x005b
0079 00 push 0x0087 ; \
007b 0a jmp ; / jmp 0x0087
007c 00 push 0x0036 ; '6'
007e 0c mov bx, ST(0)
0080 0b push ax
0082 0b push bx
0084 02 add
0085 0c mov bx, ST(0)
0087 0b push bx ; \ (bx = 0x005b)
0089 00 push 0x0058 ; | 0x0058 + 0x005b = 0x00b3
008b 02 add ; /
008c 06 xor ; } 0x00b3 ^ 0x004a = 0x00f9 -> char 'J'
008d 00 push 0x00f9 ; \
008f 08 eq ; |
0090 00 push 0x00a0 ; | jmp (xor_result == 0x00f9 ? 0x96 : 0xa0)
0092 00 push 0x0096 ; |
0094 09 sel ; |
0095 0a jmp ; /
0096 0b push ax ; \ (ax = 0x0031)
0098 00 push 0x004d ; |
009a 06 xor ; | ax = 0x0031 ^ 0x004d = 0x007c
009b 0c mov ax, ST(0) ; /
009d 00 push 0x00ae ; \
009f 0a jmp ; / jmp 0x00ae
00a0 00 push 0x0323
00a2 00 push 0x012b
00a4 03 sub
00a5 0c mov bx, ST(0)
00a7 0b push ax
00a9 0b push bx
00ab 02 add
00ac 0c mov bx, ST(0)
00ae 0c mov bx, ST(0) ; } bx = character 'b'
00b0 0b push bx ; } push 0x0062
00b2 0b push bx ; \
00b4 00 push 0x0001 ; | bx -= 0x0001
00b6 03 sub ; |
00b7 0c mov bx, ST(0) ; /
00b9 00 push 0x0003 ; \
00bb 02 add ; / ST(0) += 0x0003
00bc 0b push bx ; \
00be 00 push 0x0000 ; |
00c0 08 eq ; |
00c1 00 push 0x00b2 ; | loop while bx != 0x0000
00c3 00 push 0x00c7 ; |
00c5 09 sel ; |
00c6 0a jmp ; /
00c7 07 not ; \ bx = 0x62 + (0x62 * 3)
00c7 ; / not(0x188) = 0xfe77
00c8 00 push 0xfe77 ; \
00ca 08 eq ; |
00cb 00 push 0x00d8 ; | condition must be true
00cd 00 push 0x00d1 ; | to jump to 0x00d1
00cf 09 sel ; |
00d0 0a jmp ; /
00d1 0b push ax ; \
00d3 00 push 0x0058 ; |
00d5 02 add ; | ax = 0x007c + 0x0058 = 0x00d4
00d6 0c mov ax, ST(0) ; /
00d8 00 push 0x0003 ; \
00da 04 trm1 ; | x: character at position 4
00db 00 push 0x008c ; |
00dd 02 add ; | condition = ((x >> 0x0003) |
00de 00 push 0x6094 ; | (x << (0x0010 - 0x0003)) & 0xffff
00e0 08 eq ; | + 0x8C) == 0x6094
00e1 00 push 0x00ee ; |
00e3 00 push 0x00e7 ; | we need to jump to 0x00e7
00e5 09 sel ; |
00e6 0a jmp ; /
00e7 0b push ax
00e9 00 push 0x00e7
00eb 02 add
00ec 0c mov ax, ST(0)
00ee 0b push bx ; \
00f0 02 add ; | bx is 0x0000
00f1 00 push 0x000c ; |
00f3 06 xor ; | the next word we're going to use is
00f4 00 push 0x0074 ; | the third character
00f6 08 eq ; |
00f7 00 push 0x0107 ; | if ((0x0000 + 'x') ^ 0x000c == 0x0074)
00f9 00 push 0x00fd ; | jmp 0x00fd <- take this jump
00fb 09 sel ; | else
00fc 0a jmp ; / jmp 0x0107
00fd 0b push ax ; \
00ff 00 push 0x0009 ; | ax = 0x00d4 - 0x0009 = 0x00cb
0101 03 sub ; |
0102 0c mov ax, ST(0) ; /
0104 00 push 0x011d ; \
0106 0a jmp ; / jmp 0x011d
0107 00 push 0x000a
0109 0c mov bx, ST(0)
010b 0b push bx
010d 00 push 0x0001
010f 03 sub
0110 0c mov bx, ST(0)
0112 0b push bx
0114 00 push 0x0000
0116 08 eq
0117 00 push 0x010b
0119 00 push 0x011d
011b 09 sel
011c 0a jmp
011d 00 push 0x0006 ; \ trm2(0x0006, character at position 2)
011f 05 trm2 ; |
0120 00 push 0x1dc0 ; | condition = (shl('w', 0x0006) |
0122 08 eq ; | sar('w', 0x10 - 0x0006)) &
0122 ; | 0xffff == 0x1dc0;
0122 ; |
0123 00 push 0x0133 ; | if (condition)
0125 00 push 0x0129 ; | jmp 0x0129 <- take this jump
0127 09 sel ; | else
0128 0a jmp ; / jmp 0x0133
0129 0b push ax ; \
012b 00 push 0x0071 ; |
012d 02 add ; | ax = 0x00cb + 0x0071 = 0x013c
012e 0c mov ax, ST(0) ; /
0130 00 push 0x013d ; \
0132 0a jmp ; / jmp 0x013d
0133 0b push ax
0135 00 push 0x0077 ; 'w'
0137 02 add
0138 0c mov ax, ST(0)
013a 00 push 0x013d
013c 0a jmp
013d 00 push 0x0016 ; \
013f 02 add ; | this is the character at position 1
0140 00 push 0x000e ; |
0142 03 sub ; | condition = (0x0016 + 'Y' -
0143 00 push 0x0061 ; | 0x000E) == 0x0061;
0145 08 eq ; |
0146 00 push 0x0153 ; | if (condition)
0148 00 push 0x014c ; | jmp 0x014c
014a 09 sel ; | else
014b 0a jmp ; / jmp 0x0153
014c 0b push ax ; \
014e 00 push 0x002c ; |
0150 03 sub ; | ax = 0x013c - 0x002c = 0x0110
0151 0c mov ax, ST(0) ; /
0153 0c mov bx, ST(0) ; } bx = 'k' -> character at position 0
0155 0b push bx
0157 00 push 0x212c
0159 0b push bx ; \
015b 00 push 0x0001 ; | this loop subtracts 0x07 from 0x212c
015d 03 sub ; | for 'k' (0x6b) times
015e 0c mov bx, ST(0) ; |
0160 00 push 0x0007 ; | bx--;
0162 03 sub ; /
0163 0b push bx ; \
0165 00 push 0x0000 ; | if (bx == 0)
0167 08 eq ; | jmp 0x016e
0168 00 push 0x0159 ; | else
016a 00 push 0x016e ; | jmp 0x0159
016c 09 sel ; |
016d 0a jmp ; /
016e 00 push 0x01ca ; \
0170 06 xor ; | if ((loop_result ^ 0x01ca) == 0x1ff5)
0171 00 push 0x1ff5 ; | jmp 0x017a
0173 08 eq ; | else
0174 00 push 0x0181 ; | jmp 0x0181
0176 00 push 0x017a ; |
0178 09 sel ; |
0179 0a jmp ; /
017a 0b push ax ; \
017c 00 push 0x0012 ; | ax = 0x0110 + 0x0012 = 0x0122
017e 02 add ; |
017f 0c mov ax, ST(0) ; /
0181 0d nop
The correct string is then the one that allows the virtual machine to execute the program to the end: kYwxCbJoLp. There’s no need to analyze the rest of the executable; pass those characters back to the program and it will print our flag: A_p0p_pu$H_&